By Tammy Trent on Monday, 10 February 2020
Category: Inspiration

This Is Not Permanent!

Your current situation is not’s purpose!

Things could look totally broken, devastating, unknown or hopeless in your life right now, but you must know that God’s intentions are to always bring you to a place of clarity, wholeness, healing, restoration and purpose in your life!

God, your God, will restore everything that’s been lost; He'll have compassion on you; He'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered. No matter how far away you end up, God will get you out of there and bring you back. It will be yours again. He will give you a good life. God, will cut away any thick calluses on your heart, freeing you to love Him with your whole heart and soul...and to live... REALLY live. ~ Deuteronomy 30:1-6

A fellow traveler,